The 5 th edition of Bharatha Matha Maha Harathi was held virtually on 25 th January 2022 as part of one of the programs under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. The program was recognized as India’s largest online patriotic cultural virtual event. Honourable Vice President of India, Shir Venkaiah Naidu garu and Sadhguru garu were Chief Guests to the event. Shir Garikapati Narasimha Rao garu and Shir Kapil Goel garu were other guests present at the event. Honourable Minister for Culture, Tourism and DoNER, Shri Kishan Reddy garu welcomed the guests and all other virtual participants to the event.
Artisans from across the country and children from various schools participated and performed in the cultural event.
Message by Honourable Vice President of India, Shir Venkaiah Naidu garu
It gives me immense pleasure to be part of this unique program. I have been part of various harathi programs where we prayed to a deity or nature. Here we are praying to our nation. It is a country we are collectively shaping by commitment and devotion. I congratulate Bharatha Matha Foundation and Shri Kishan Reddy garu for conceptualising such a wonderful event.
The program message is secular and universal and the prayers message is to make the nation strong, protect and internal and external aggression and keep people united happy and healthy. Bharatha Matha Maha Harathi is for wellbeing of all and therefore for celebration of life and planet. Celebrations like these are important, they promote patriotism and national unity. Such unique program which brings people together for our mother land must be held more often in all parts of our country.
As we take pride in our great legacy we must also make sure our coming generation are made aware of our great nation and contribute for its overall development.
He concluded by saying, we need to work with much vigor to make our nation Athma Nirbhar. Youth will be both workers and beneficiaries of Athma Nirbhar Bharath.
Message by Sadhguru garu:
Harathi is a device with which we connect to an entity that we consider as divine. In this culture, we hold mother land or nation itself as mother goddess and hence this event of maha harathi becomes meaningful to build a close connection. My best wishes and blessing to everyone.
Message by Honourable Minister for Culture, Tourism and DoNER, Shri Kishan Reddy garu:
Shir Kishan Reddy garu welcome all the guests and online viewers to the virtual event. He thanked everyone who ensured the program to become a success despite the pandemic circumstances. The Minister spoke about celebrating 75 years of Independence this year, and said we need to work with much more vigor for the next 25 years to ensure our country to be developed, strong and without poverty. He spoke about the various program being planned and held, under the leadership of our beloved Prime Minister to celebrate Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav.
He concluded by saying the program aims to instill patriotism among the youth and we need to remember the sacrifices of people from all walks of life to gain independence.
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